Saturday 5 September 2015

Exploration and Team Rolls

As the planning was going and and the concept was being locked in we needed to also work out who was in charge of what and what everyone wanted to work on. So we used this as an opportunity to learn and explore what we will need to know before production officially starts.

Taylor had a strong interest in improving here texturing skills so her primary roll in the project is texture artist. Hayden also wants to specialist but instead of texturing he hopes to improve his 3D modelling skills. Sarah on the other hand wants to do a mixture of both modelling and texturing so she will be doing modelling while also exploring texturing techniques with the assets list consolidated we decided that we could save time by learning what we need while creating assets from out assets list.


Taylor over the past few weeks Produced a number of great textures that we can start using right away.

Sarah over the past few weeks has also be hard at work creating a variety of assets from Rocks and Plants to tools and the graves we need for the story and blocking. Also to allow Taylor and the rest of the team to see how Taylor's texturing would apply to the assets she created a crate with the texture applied and with great success the Texture looks amazing.

While the Girls where doing there thing I've been teaching Hayden afew different techniques and methods on how he can go about modelling trees and he wants to take on the main trees in the environment. So experimenting with what method works best for him he blocked out the tree for the story to gauge a sense of scale and proportion with the island. Along with the tree he has also blocked out the Dock/Jetty another key element to our story, plus a variety of other assets for the environment.

I realised i havent specified what ive been doing or my roll so let me explain that now. So having had prior experience in creating enviroments and these kinds of work before I have been kind of appointed team lead for the group my goal of this project is to help everyone in the team to learn new things, develop there skills and produce work they can show to future clients and other potential employees. Now this doesnt mean that i dont have my fair share most of the project will be brought together by me. Which brings me to my roll. Ill be the last link in the production line and will consolidate the environment. Bring in all the assets constructing the island and making sure everything works. While the others have been learning and developing there skills I've modeled the man island structure and blocked out the House. The Island was blocked out first so everyone who would be modelling has a reference of scale to base there assets off. Along side the modeling I've have been exploring and learning about different features and tool that we will need to finish this environment. So water, grass cut scenes and scripted events are all areas i have looked into so far and things seem to be running smoothly where that's concerned.

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