Saturday 5 September 2015

The Island of Despair

The Island of Despair is the name for the environment my group and I have decided to develop.
In the first week of forming the group we brainstormed story ideas based around a few concept pieces by Pierre-Antoine Moelo. (You can check out his work at

During the brainstorming we seemed to all have a similar kind of story in mind so we discussed the details and who we will be portraying through our own environment. Our goal is to capture the player who is exploring the island and through a variety of environmental elements tell the story of what has taken place before they arrived. The Artwork we all gravitated towards and that sparked the story was the LE REFUGE island concept as it had a vibrant and natural beauty which created a great facade for our darker story.
The story the players will have revealed to them throughout the exploration will be of a young merchant sailor and his unfortunate fate. Through out the environment will be reminisce of what the young man went through.

The story of the island and what happened on it is a tale of a young merchant sailor and his unfortunate fate. The young man goes by the name of Robinson Cruseo, who was a young merchant, Husband and Father. His wife Susana had just given birth to there first son only days before Cruseo was to set sail and start building a life for himself and his family. The birth was earlier then expect and with many disagreements finally saw Cruseo, his new born son and wife to sail together.
Some thought it bad luck to sail with a woman on board but in time grew use to the idea. Three months past and business was slower but promising as Cruseo created more and more deals with other merchants and cementing new friendships along the way.

That was until one night during a trip across the charted seas of blackthorn three days for any harbor a storm began to rumble and the seas began to churn a storm was approaching. Sailing through storms is a difficult and treacherous task but it was nothing the crew hadn't faced before so working together they battled the storm and kept the ship sailing on course for awhile at least. This storm whoever was unforgiving and just when they thought the storm couldn't get any worse they storm grew larger and more violent the storm wasnt a regular storm anymore is was a hurricane. The struggle went on for what felt like a life time but the storm was too strong and forced the ship of course and into a reef. The ship was destroyed and most of the crew members fate was death or left stranded in the middle of the ocean to await rescue or starvation .

Cruseo found himself dealt fates second hand when he awoke to find himself curled up on a raft of debri wash up against a small landmass in the model of the ocean. As he awoke he noticed that in his arms was his son alive and safe but cold and crying. Cruseodid his best to care for his son but the boy grew sick from the cold and later that day died inspite of all Cruseo had tried to do. Devistated he broke down and spent two days just staring out to sea. But Robin was a smart man and although he was stricken with greef he used that and turned it into fuel and motivation to get off the island.

Months past with no sign of rescue in sight, but in that time Crusoe constructed a home for himself from the scraps and debri he salvaged from the ship wreck and even constructed an irrigation system for crops and other plants to grow. In this time he developed a daily ritual of looking out to sea from his look out tower for and ships that might pass by. Many more months passed but no rescue came and after years stranded Cruseo ended up going mad with greef and being on his own that he killed himself only days before a ship spotted his island.

For those who wish to read a less concise version of the young sailor and his fate there will be a follow up post soon with the whole story.

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