Sunday 8 March 2015

Asset List Update

I've added a few more assets to the list and marked off those that are Modelled.

Scene Assets/Props
High Priority
- Chest Variations x 3(Net Drapping with Rope, Open Full)
- Nets Variations x 3(Drapping, Bundled Up)
- Anckor
- Hand In Jar (Twiching)
- Rope Variations x 4 (Coiled Up) Modelled

Mid Priority
- Cannons
- Lantures
- Barrels Variations x 5 Modelled
- Baskets Variations x 7 Modelled
- Crates Variations x 8 Modelled
- Cages Variations x 3 Modelled
- Table Variations x Modelled
- Chairs Variations x 3
- Stools Variations x 2 Modelled
- Shelving (Wall Mounted)
- Cloth/Sails x3 (Bundled Up, Drapped)

Low Priority
- Logs/Wood x3 (Bundled Together)
- Buckets x 2 Modelled
- Bags Variations x 3 Modelled
- Pillows x 3
- Cannon Balls Modelled
- Coins x 3
- Bottles x 8 Modelled
- Pots x 4 Modelled
- Vases x 2 Modelled
- Jugs x 2 Modelled

- Walls (With Port Window, No Window)
- Flooring Tiles (Wooden Planks, Grate)
- Roofing (Grating, Planks and Support Beams)
- Support Beams (Chains, Ropes,)

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