Monday 16 March 2015

Modular Room Assets Finished

Finished Modelling and Texturing the Modular Room Pieces and they turned out joining great theres a few slight tweaks that could be mad but with all the assets clutter and lighting the seams should be well hidden.

I designed the pieces to fit together but due to the texture of the floor being directional the pieced are unable to be rotated without breaking the seamless look. I thought of using the floor as a separate piece as the to the walls to reduce the number of assets but choose not to thinking that visually it would be easier to build the level with the walls and floor as one. After implementing the assets it turned out being more confusing so I'm going to go with my original thought and make the pieces all separate.

But before i do that i decided to construct them in Unreal to see how they looked and I'm happy with it the normal map needs to be tweaked but other then that they work well.

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