Saturday 25 April 2015


While Building the first room a few posts back the process was pretty simple and almost all the pieces connected seamlessly. Now that I've created more modular assets I learnt what needs to be modular and what doesn't. But not just in a sense of making a modular ship but making modular parts for anything. Like Lego having a variety of pieces can be liberating and give you more freedom when building the level, It can also slow down you productivity because your spoiled with options. I've learn't that there's a fine balance between too many pieces and too little. Think of it like this, If i wanted to get really refined i could model every single wooden plank in every variation but that would be impractical. Tho in my case having the option to build a left and right side of a ships hull separately for this project is impractical so now i have created very large ship pieces that do not need as much customization. While leaving the inner modular room creation as is.

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