Thursday 30 April 2015

Assets creation is never over

Just when you think your finished modelling assets you realize that you need something else. This is my process on everything, I will make an asset list to later realize I missed something. This is important for new environmental artist to understand, if you finish your environment, have time left over and you feel there's stuff missing then your not finished so don't accept it as finished.
After greeting the cargo Bay I realized that most of the assets I used in here won't make sense in other places on the ship so i had to think of what I needed. But I couldn't truly know until I had built the while level so that's what I did. Now my assets list has grown dramatically.

Stern Steering 
  • Wheel
  • Crows nest
  • Fort Castle Front and Back

Bow Variations - 3 Heights, Windows and no Windows
Stern Variations - 3 Heights, Windows and no Windows
Bow Sprit - Fits all Bow Variations, 3 Variations Each size.

  • Pullies ropes and Hooks
  • Ladders
  • Cargo

Office and Rooms
  • Desk
  • Compass, Desk Lamp
  • Maps, Papers, Drawing Tools, Books
  • Hammocks and Beds
  • Gold

  • Candles, Plates, Kitchen Utensils
  • Fruit, Breads, Meats

  • Cell Doors
  • Cell Bars
  • Bench

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